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40% disengaged: how parental disconnect might be shrinking your student body

Thursday, 19 September 2024 by Weduc

Research has shown that most parents want better engagement with their children's schools, yet nearly half are drifting away. It's a major risk to your school's reputation – and future student numbers.

Engaged, happy parents are your best promoters. They spread the good word to prospective parents and help boost enrollments. But if 40% feel disconnected, their silence or complaints could shrink your student body.

It's time to step up your communication game. Close that engagement gap and turn indifferent parents into active supporters. This is how to reverse enrollment declines.

Ready to make a change? Connecting better with parents is your first step. We explore how to do this more effectively. 

Connecting better with parents 
With many communication channels now available, schools and Trusts often use all (or most) of them to reach as many parents as possible. But this can lead to parent confusion. Imagine getting the same message on your app, in your email and by letter. Which one do you answer? It can get tricky, and managing responses can become a headache. This is just one example of the challenges that come with using multiple communication channels.

Plus, parents often receive too many messages, many of which might not even be relevant to their child's class. For instance, if your child is in Year 8, you shouldn't be sifting through updates meant for parents of students in Years 7, 9 and 5. This flood of extra info can cause important updates to slip through, making parents feel less connected and satisfied. This highlights another challenge that could be addressed by considering communications more thoughtfully. 

Schools need to think about their communication strategies from a parent’s perspective to really make improvements and streamline their interactions.

Improving your communication strategies
Ensuring messages are not only relevant but also reach the intended audience is key to keeping parents informed and engaged. 
To address this, schools need to move away from a broadcast approach to communication. Instead, they should focus on messages that are:

1. Relevant

Each parent should only receive information that matters to them, avoiding the clutter of unnecessary messages. This makes sure that communications are relevant and valued, increasing the likelihood that parents will engage with and act on the information provided.

2. Engaging

Messages should be interesting, on-brand and packed with value, encouraging parents to participate and respond. Making use of different media like photos and videos can add a dynamic touch, enhancing engagement and clarity.

3. Action-oriented

Communications need to be clear and concise, directing parents towards specific actions. Whether it’s signing up for a parent-teacher conference, joining a volunteer group, or attending a school event, each message should prompt a clear next step.

Remember, every message has the potential to either improve or damage a school's reputation. Thinking carefully about a communication strategy is a must for schools and Trusts. About 45% of schools send 10 or more messages weekly, which can be overwhelming for parents, particularly those with children in various schools. For instance, if they have two children at different schools they might be getting twenty messages per week! 

Optimising message frequency 

About 45% of schools send 10 or more messages weekly, which can be overwhelming for parents, particularly those with children in various schools. For instance, if they have two children at different schools they might be getting twenty messages per week! 

The ideal number reported is about 5 messages per week, which helps maintain engagement without overloading parents.

Choosing the right channel for the right message

Selecting the right channel for each message ensures that information is not only seen but also acted upon effectively. Using the most suitable medium reduces confusion and enhances the likelihood that parents will engage with the content. 

Broad updates and general news

Social media is ideal for broad updates and general news because it reaches a wide audience quickly and promotes community engagement. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram allow schools to share announcements in real-time, encouraging immediate interaction and sharing among parents and the broader school community.

Specific information

For messages aimed at specific groups, like Year 7 parents, using direct channels such as school apps work best. This way, the right people get the information they need without it getting lost in the shuffle on broader platforms. Plus, it keeps the communication personal and secure, which is great for sending out anything that shouldn’t be public knowledge.

Messages should also:

  • Prompt specific actions when needed
  • Reinforce the school's brand and values
  • Celebrate school successes
  • Provide updates about important upcoming events

You can gauge the success of your communications by how quickly and effectively parents respond to calls to action. When responses are prompt and positive, it's a good sign that the messages are hitting the mark and that the communication channels selected are doing their job well.

Specialised communication systems 

How can schools ensure that their communication tools simplify rather than complicate processes for parents?

Many schools use Management Information Systems (MIS) as the operational backbone of their administration. Yet, when schools try to add communication features to these MIS systems, the results are hit or miss. Mostly miss. 

The intention is to make communication smoother. But too often, these systems end up being clunky and not very user-friendly, particularly from a parent's perspective, which just adds to everyone’s frustration.

When schools settle for these basic systems, they risk not just inefficiency but also damaging the very parent relationships they’re trying to improve. Schools require powerful, intuitive communication tools that deliver messages clearly and directly. Tools that make sure every message is relevant, engaging and prompts necessary action.

Choosing the right technology matters

Choosing the right technology is key to simplifying school communication for parents. Effective systems often provide a central hub, typically an app, where parents can easily see, manage and respond to all their school-related needs. Simplifying this process not only makes parents happier but also encourages more responsive engagement with the school.

The best systems are designed to enhance interactions between schools and parents by making information clear and easy to access, which helps bridge any communication gaps.

By ensuring every interaction is meaningful and straightforward, these tools not only improve parent satisfaction but also support stable student numbers.

What makes these systems drive engagement

Let's explore how the most effective specialised communication systems boost parent engagement with their specific features.

Targeted messaging

Schools with 90-100% engagement mostly send targeted messages. With certain platforms, schools can precisely target their communications. For example, messages intended for Year 7 parents are sent directly to them, ensuring no one else gets bogged down with irrelevant information. This sharp focus prevents information overload and ensures parents only receive messages that matter to them, making every communication count.

Managing communication flow

Some platforms give parents the option to tailor their notification preferences to filter the types of messages they receive, once again tackling the challenge of communication overload. With this level of customisation, parents feel in control of their interactions with the school, receiving only pertinent information without the clutter.

Quick and easy admin 

Specialised communication systems should facilitate direct actions from parents, such as online bookings for parents' evenings and payments for school trips. Integrated seamlessly within the app, this allows parents to act quickly and efficiently. The app not only saves time but also reduces stress, making it easier for parents to stay involved and connected with their child’s education.

Helpful reminders 

Follow-up reminders are a powerful feature to help parents stay on top of things like school trip payments or parent-teacher appointments. These reminders can make parent’s lives easier, preventing the frustration of missed deadlines. It’s another way to keep parent engagement levels high through that extra layer of support.

Reaching every parent

Certain platforms prioritise inclusivity with features that cater to multilingual families, crucial for engaging non-English-speaking or EAL (English as an Additional Language) families. Instant translation of messages into various languages makes communication not only possible but also effective across diverse communities.

With these features, parent-school communication becomes a lot smoother and more engaging. Right now, only 13% of schools consistently engage over 90% of parents. Effective communication systems offer schools the structure and flexibility to raise that number, giving parents the level and quality of engagement they crave. 

It all comes back to reputation

Effective management of communications is more than just a good practice. It’s essential for maintaining your school’s reputation and student numbers.

Schools and Trusts need to think of communication as a core part of their strategy, not just another admin task. Moving beyond the basics and focusing on clear, engaging and targeted messaging shows parents that you care about them.

The right approach — and the right tools — can make your school stand out. This is a must when winning over parents is crucial for survival amid declining enrollments.

Take control of your reputation today