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It's time to throw consent forms in the bin!

Friday, 1 July 2022 by Weduc

Schools have always had form with forms...

There’s an endless cycle of forms that schools need parents to autograph and return: forms about school meals, term dates, extra-curricular activities, charity fundraising, museum trips and everything else under the sun.

But, there’s a problem with this ever-increasing circle. A few problems actually...


The trouble with consent forms

There are too many touchpoints where forms can fail:

  • It can’t be taken for granted that school comms land where they should – in the hands of parents and back to school again – when students are relied on for safe delivery.
  • Parents can also mislay school comms or forget to return their completed forms.
  • It’s ironic that poor response levels amongst parents generates even more comms in an attempt to get the information you need from them.
  • Mass printing of forms and accompanying letters flies in the face of any ambitious carbon neutrality goals and sustainability policies you’ve got or you’re aspiring to - not to mention the significant cost involved with this.

The answer is in your app

Forms on phonesWith form functionality linked to your school app, it’s goodbye to this relentless volley of signing and returning forms. And hello to paperless comms that parents will be more engaged with and responsive to.

Weduc’s first-class digital form functionality saves you the time and effort of printing letters and forms, packing them off with students and seeing how much mud eventually sticks.

You can build, send and collect forms via your school app instead. Its inbuilt form builder tool makes life so much easier!

We’re not suggesting you’ll never have to chase parental responses ever again. But we’re guaranteeing you’ll experience a tangible difference in the volume and speed of parental responses you get – because it’s how they’re used to providing information to other suppliers in most other areas of their lives.


Building, sending and collecting online school forms

With a choice school app like Weduc’s, you can expect to benefit immediately from:

  • Selection of customisable standard online school forms: a range of the most commonly used school forms are readily available for you to tweak up with your specifics, brand and use. From school trip forms to medical info.
  • New form creation: a variety of purpose-designed templates make it quick and easy to create new forms whenever you need them.
  • Form bank-building: save any form you like, to build a form bank you can dip in to - then rinse and repeat as needed.
  • Parental notification: a notification is sent to parents on your school app, informing them there’s a communication that requires their input.
  • Pre-determined deadlines: alerting parents to a response deadline on your school app is more effective than a deadline on a paper form they might never have received, lost or shoved in a pile of paperwork.
  • Automated reminders: polite prods can be automatically issued via your school app to parents who miss the response deadline.
  • Reporting suites: in addition to all these brilliant functionalities, you can access reports to suit about response data.
  • Targeted follow-ups for those who don't respond: with Weduc you can see exactly who has opened, read and responded to your message. Use this tool to target those who have yet to complete your form.
  • Electronic signatures for parents: to make it quick and easy for parents to give consent in an instant.


Form (!) your own opinion...

Want to know what 'good' looks like when it comes to forms? 

At Weduc, we’re all about helping educational establishments boost their branding, get parents engaged and keep them engaged. Putting leading-edge technology at parents' fingertips for everyday communication and form-filling does just that.

Call us now on 01509 221 349 or click here and one of the Weduc team will get in touch with you.

Start reaching more parents today