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Steering successful student transitions

Thursday, 8 June 2023 by Weduc

Transitioning schools is akin to a seismic shift in a child's world. Developmental psychologist Dr. Suzanne Zeedyk highlights this well: in particular, the move from primary to secondary school can be one of the most stressful experiences in a young person’s life. 

Schools have their hands full too. Amid the hustle of preparing for a new academic year, you’re coordinating transitioning students, relaying vital information to the parents of new pupils, maintaining an updated Management Information System (MIS), and ensuring data accuracy.

But don't let this whirlwind knock you off balance. Preparation and communication are your secret weapons. By identifying what information to collect and share, and establishing strong engagement with parents ahead of time, we turn the daunting into the doable. 

First, let's explore what new students and their parents need to know ahead of September. 

Preparing your students for school transitions 

For schools, the first day runs more smoothly with fewer hiccups when transitioning students know where they need to be and what they should be doing. It’s less time spent managing confusion and more time focusing on essential work.

For students, a clear picture of their first day and the school’s expectations can help ease first-day jitters. It not only encourages them to embrace their new school experience, but it also simplifies adherence to the school’s rules. With the added support of transition activities for students, the anxiety associated with this big next step can be considerably lessened. 

It's not just the students who benefit; parents also appreciate understanding how things work. When they're clued in, they can provide better support to their children and the school during this new chapter. 

Even if you think you've mastered the preparation stage, it's always good to revisit and refine. Making sure your information is tailored to your school's unique environment is not a one-time task, but an ongoing one.

Joining primary school 

First day information

Make sure you share first-day specifics well before the school year kicks off. We’ll talk about the best ways to share this info soon. But the key thing here? Giving children a heads-up about what to expect really helps to dial down their nerves. 

First day information for new primary school students should include: 

    • Arrival time: What time should the children arrive at school? Is there a different time for their first day to help them settle in?
    • Classroom location: Which classroom should they go to first? Will someone guide them, or should they find it themselves?
    • Dress code: What is the school's uniform? Are there specific colours, brands, or logos they should wear? 
    • Lunch details: Should they bring their own lunch, or can they buy food at school? How do they pay for school meals
  • Transportation support: Is there a school bus service they can use? What are the routes and timings? If they're walking or biking, what are the safest routes they can take?

School expectations

Transitioning to primary school is a team effort between schools and parents. To help parents get their little ones ready, schools can offer a range of resources. Share tips on promoting good behaviour, teamwork in class, lunchtime routines, and homework practices. Consider sharing a 'day in the life' guide or a welcome pack with parents via a convenient and accessible digital engagement platform. 

Moving from primary school to secondary school

First day information

Again, it’s super important to get first day details to new secondary school students nice and early. This eases their worries about stepping into this fresh chapter. Besides the stuff we’ve already covered, there are a few more things they are to know: 

  • Timetable information: How should they read their new timetable and navigate between different classrooms throughout the school day?
  • Locker details: Will they be assigned a locker? How can they secure it and what items are appropriate to keep in it?
  • Homework expectations: What is the frequency and volume of homework to be expected? Are there particular submission rules they need to follow?
  • School clubs and extracurricular activities: What clubs and activities are available? When do they meet and how can students join?
  • Pastoral support: Who is their form tutor or pastoral lead? How can they seek help if they're finding the transition difficult?
  • IT and e-safety: Will they be using school-provided technology? What are the school's policies regarding internet safety and usage?

School expectations

We're talking about classroom conduct, academic diligence, respect for school property, joining in activities, and treating everyone kindly. Get these points across during orientation, in a comprehensive guidebook, or through a communication platform. It's about setting the tone for a positive and respectful school experience.

Effective data management for smoother transitions 

Your Management Information System (MIS) is the heartbeat of your school during transitions. It's crammed full of academic records, medical details, and all the important tidbits about each transitioning student. A well-kept MIS? That's your key to making every transition safe, supportive and smooth. Plus, with all the necessary information at your fingertips, it saves precious time and cuts down on cumbersome administrative tasks.

To jog your memory, here are the types of details you'll want to gather before September:

  • Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND): Any formal diagnosis, personalised learning plans, accommodations required
  • Health information: Dietary requirements, allergies, medical conditions, emergency contact details 
  • Academic records: Primary school reports, Key Stage 2 (KS2) results, any other educational evaluations that might be relevant and helpful 
  • Parental consent: Agreement for school trips, internet usage, sharing of child's data, use of child’s photos in school materials or publicity
  • Arrival and collection arrangements: Specific details about who drops off and picks up the child - useful for primary pupils
  • Photography: Student photos for school records, materials or promotional activities 
  • Use of equipment: Permission for the student to use ICT facilities, science labs, sports equipment
  • Home language: Information needed to support students for whom English is a second language

Getting the information you need from parents isn't always a piece of cake. Especially considering their packed schedules, juggling work, family commitments, and the chaos that often accompanies preparing for a new school year.

But we've got to make it work for a smooth transition. So, how do we turn this challenging task into a win? 

Forging successful parent connections before September

Navigating parental engagement can be a bit of a tightrope walk, especially when you're dealing with parents of transitioning students. You're trying to introduce new systems, routines and expectations, all while making a great first impression. 

You might have a communication plan for parental engagement. When it comes to connecting with parents of transitioning students, this might including posting a welcome letter. It could feature first-day details, school expectations, and a request for essential student information. But that's quite the information dump. And with parents’ busy schedules, physical letters can easily disappear into the abyss of the 'important papers' pile.

That's where an engagement and communication platform, like Reach More Parents, comes into play. It simplifies sharing vital information with parents without overwhelming them. Plus, it's all digital, meaning no risk of lost papers and added convenience for parents. 

Let’s take a closer look at how Reach More Parents eases school transitions through improved parent engagement.

Communicate directly with in-app messaging 

Shoot over first-day info to new primary and secondary school parents via instant messaging on our platform. This nifty feature lets parents get their ducks in a row without having to hunt for details. Plus, with read-receipts, you can keep tabs on who's seen the info and who hasn’t, taking the guesswork out of your communications.

Pin important messages to the noticeboard 

Pop important info onto our noticeboard feature, where it's always in sight and easy to find. Ideal for information parents might need to glance at again, like school expectations. Even better, with scheduling and reminder features, you can plan messages ahead of time and make sure they land exactly when needed. 

Use digital forms to collect essential data

With the platform’s digital forms feature, parents can fill in the details when it suits them, bidding farewell to stacks of paper and extra school visits. Meanwhile, schools get to enjoy less admin, seamless data management, and the comfort of knowing all the info is private, secure and up-to-date.

Set up important events in the calendar

From the 'meet the teachers' event for primary parents to secondary students' orientation day, the start of school, or even upcoming exam dates, Reach More Parents' calendar is your go-to tool. Stay organised by focusing on specific year groups within the platform. Spend your energy on making these important events successful, while the calendar keeps track of the details. 

There's more. You can use the platform as a central hub for all your critical information, creating a one-stop-shop for those crucial first-day details. Plus, if both the transitioning student's feeder school and their new school use the platform, the transition becomes even smoother. Information can easily be shared between schools, potentially eliminating the need for parents to re-enroll or submit information twice. 

Transition triumphs with Reach More Parents

Integrate Reach More Parents into your communication strategy and transform it into the one-stop-shop for all vital school and transition updates. Remember to stress to new parents that this platform isn’t just handy – it’s essential. 

The platform is the only place they’ll be able to view all school news. Get parents registered and actively using it as soon as possible to set the stage for effective communication. Just like The Stour Academy Trust did. Coupled with smart use of the platform, this smart move spiked their parent engagement to 90% across eight schools.

Say adieu to school transition hurdles by sharing information that's crystal-clear, easy to access, and genuinely engaging for parents. Reach More Parents is the way forward. Eager to explore how it can support your school? Let's chat

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